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10 Video Marketing Strategies in 2022 To Increase Engagement On Social Media

14 Oct 2022
10 Video Marketing Strategies in 2022 To Increase Engagement On Social Media Image

Video Marketing & Its Importance 

When you utilize videos to promote and sell your product or service, enhance engagement on your digital and social platforms, educate your customers and consumers, and reach out to a new audience, you are engaging in video marketing. It is considered one of the best marketing strategies for 2022. 

With the advent of YouTube in 2005, video marketing took off in earnest. Google purchased YouTube in October 2006, and by 2009, the platform had seven different ad forms. Marketers are becoming increasingly interested in creating high-quality videos as technology makes it easier.

But it isn't the only reason video is becoming the most popular mode of communication. Then there came the rise of smartphone technology, which made it easier and more comfortable to watch videos. So that now we've talked in brief about the Video Marketing & its importance, let's talk about the top 10 video marketing strategies to increase your engagement on social media. 

With each passing day, the marketing industry becomes more competitive. Brands are vying for prominence in the eyes of their target consumer. Video-based marketing is a powerful tool for firms to deliver their message in this situation.

Brands may personalize the marketing journey and build a one-on-one relationship with potential customers through videos. Brands can become lost in the shuffle of the digital world unless they define a clear strategy. To avoid this, here are ten tried-and-true recommendations for creating a video marketing plan that will stand the test of time in the competitive digital world of 2022. 

Top 10 Video Marketing Strategies To Increase Engagement On Social Media

  • Concentrate on Customer Personas: On-demand entertainment has surpassed television in popularity, with 6 out of 10 consumers preferring to watch videos online rather than on television. The rationale for this shift is that videos provide a more tailored viewing experience for the user.
    You may take advantage of this trend as a brand by concentrating on your buyer persona. Begin by imagining who your ideal customer would be. Age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, and other factors will help you define their persona.
    It will be simple to determine the tone of the product after you have a clear picture of who your ideal buyer is. The video can then be scripted, shot, edited, and uploaded. Maintain constant awareness of your clients' expectations.
  • Make Your Brand Known Image: According to research, more than 60% of buyers purchase a product after watching a brand video. As a result, keeping consistency throughout all of your films will help you gain the trust of your target audience.
    As a brand, make sure your videos transmit the correct message. Incorporate your brand colours, emblem, or phrase into your promotional videos to reinforce your brand image.
    Make sure that a video that introduces a change in branding (such as a new logo or festive branding) is pushed across numerous media. Your fans will be aware of all your branding updates in this manner.

  • Create A Video Content Calendar: The secret to digital marketing success is consistency. Maintain a posting schedule as a result. Remember that making a video takes longer and requires more effort than writing a blog post or editing an image. So, when planning your timetable, keep resource availability and other factors in mind.
    Make sure you stick to your basic routine once you've created one. Keep it simple by setting a reasonable goal and ensuring that you are one or two videos ahead of schedule.
    That way, even if you have to do some important task or deal with an unexpected issue, your followers won't miss out on the video material. Regular video content publishing will help you create brand recognition among your target audience.

  • Make A Budget: While video marketing initiatives give smaller brands a level playing field with larger brands, the fact remains that simply making a video does not guarantee success. When compared to textual posts, videos on LinkedIn receive 24 times more comments and 7 times more reactions.
    However, not all of the videos on the professional networking site were shot or edited with high-end professional tools. Focus on your marketing goals and audience preferences as a brand before planning your budget.
    A brand film featuring an industry influencer, for example, might appeal to a primarily solvent middle-class audience. A company with a target audience of youths and students, on the other hand, might benefit from bright, joyful colors.

  • Diversify Your Video Collection: Watching video content accounts for one-third of all online activities nowadays. Several promotional videos have evolved from this trend, and brands must diversify their video offerings. In recent years, recorded webinar films and product demos have become increasingly popular. You can also use how-to films, behind-the-scenes videos, interview videos, and client testimonial videos to test the waters. Educational films and those demonstrating tips and tricks are becoming increasingly popular by 2021. As a result, incorporate these into your video marketing plan.

  • Make A List Of Tasks: Break up the process of video-based marketing into multiple little activities once you've established the main concept. Some of the actions to consider include writing screenplays, arranging lighting, video recording, editing, and posting the video.
    Make a list of all the tasks and give each one a deadline. If you have a team to help you with your video production, make sure you assign jobs to individuals at this point. Depending on the complexity of the project, you may have several sub-tasks.
    That is why having a point of contact for each project is a good idea. As a result, duties are clearly defined, and the video is produced more quickly.

  • Prepare For Filming & Video Distribution: Every year, mobile video consumption increases by over 100%. As a result, you can anticipate a positive return on your video preparation. Begin by determining the type of video material you will produce. Then make suggestions for subjects and outlines for the same.
    Make a precise plan for the shooting and editing schedule to guarantee that you stay on track. Before you begin recording the video, think about how you'll distribute it. Recording and editing videos on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, for example, lends credibility to the videos.
    On the other side, using a professional editing tool to edit your films offers them more polish and makes you appear more professional.

  • Optimize Your Video's Length: Optimizing your video for search engines is another crucial step in ensuring that your material is seen. To find keywords that are related to your video content, use any keyword application. For best visibility, include such keywords in the title and description of your video.
    Additionally, keep your film between 3 and 5 minutes long for the best results. Close caption your videos so that the search engine identifies the content and shows it to people looking for comparable information.
    You might choose to film the video in portrait orientation because many video watchers watch on their mobile devices. If you want your viewers to do certain activities, include a call to action (CTA) at the end of the video.
    You can utilize a variety of intro and outro-creation tools to tailor your videos for optimum viewership. An intro creator ensures that the spectator remains captivated by the video and does not leave it in the middle.

  • Sound Effects Should Not Be Ignored: Because videos appeal both visually and acoustically, they have a higher rate of engagement. Ignoring audio is one of the most common blunders made by unskilled video editors. In the competitive marketing landscape of 2022, this is something you cannot afford. Concentrate on sound mixing and narration to perfect your foley effects, audio levels, narration volume, and other technical aspects. You'll be astonished at how much a simple ambient sound layer over a peaceful scene can alter the overall appeal of the video.

  • Make Your Video Content Distribution Channel A Priority: The next stage is to get your target audience to watch the video material you've created. Begin by uploading the video to prominent video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
    Using your company/brand account to publish videos on YouTube is a smart idea. You can also upload the video on your blog or website, depending on the video.
    If you have a video testimonial, try to include it in your website's 'Customers' Reviews' area. Similarly, you can make a film detailing your company's history and upload it in the 'About' area of your website.


The method for developing a video marketing strategy outlined above will help you stand out from the crowd. It can also help you bring your product to the forefront of your target market and broaden its reach. It will be easy for you to persuade people to buy your top-of-the-line products or services in this manner. 

By Harkirpal Singh
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