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How To Define Your Target Market? Tips & Tricks

30 Aug 2022
How To Define Your Target Market? Tips & Tricks  Image

Your target market identification is one of the first steps in launching a business. The items you develop, the way your company is branded, and eventually who you market to can all be determined by this stage alone.

You must develop products & services that appeal to your target market in light of this. Create a website to represent your company and utilize words and images that your audience can relate to. Think about the market you can serve and what makes your company stand out from the competition. From there, you may develop advertising, branding, and messaging tailored to your target audience to turn more leads into paying clients.

Continue reading to find out more about identifying your target market and to obtain professional pointers on how to integrate this targeting into the rest of your business strategy. In this article, we've mentioned some tips & tricks on how to define your target market.

Table of Contents

0. What Exactly Is Your Target Market?

1. Key Target Market Groups

2. Relation Between Product Sales & Target Sales 

3. What Function Does a Target Market Serve?

4. How To Define Your Target Market? 

5. Collect Consumer Information

6. Understand the advantages of your product

7. Know Your Competition 

8. Segment Your Audience

9. Create a Target Market Statement

10. Improve Your Research

11. Final Thoughts

What Exactly Is Your Target Market?

A target market is a group of people who have been identified as the most likely consumers of a product based on shared characteristics like as age, income, and lifestyle. A key phase in the decision-making process when a company manufactures, packages, and advertises its product is identifying the target market.

A new product needs to fulfill a demand, solve a problem, or both. The need or problem is typically not prevalent unless it involves indoor plumbing. It is more likely required by a specific segment of consumers, such as vegetarians who care about the environment, science nerds, or outdoor enthusiasts.

It might be appealing to a snob or a bargain shopper, a teenager, or a middle-aged professional. As you develop and improve a product, consider your likely target market to help with packaging, marketing, and distribution choices.

Key Target Market Groups

Consumers are divided into four main groups by marketers. Keep these groups in your mind when you define your target market. 

  • Geographic: This section is becoming more and more important in the age of globalization. Preferences specific to a region must be considered.
  • Demographic: Your target market is characterized mostly by these traits. Each person can be classified according to age, income level, gender, occupation, and degree of education.
  • Psychographic: In addition to the fundamentals of demography, this section also takes lifestyle, attitudes, hobbies, and values into account.
  • Behavioral: This is the only area that depends on the analysis of consumer decisions made by a company's current clients. Based on a study into the products' historical success, new ones might be created.

Relation Between Product Sales & Target Sales 

A product development strategy must include planning for manufacturing, distribution, pricing, and promotion in addition to identifying the target market. A lot of important aspects of the product itself are determined by the target market. A company may adjust certain elements of a product, such as the amount of sugar in a soft drink or the appearance of the box, to make it more appealing to customers in its target market.

As product sales rise, a company could widen its target market to the entire world. By becoming global, a company can reach a larger portion of its target market in various regions of the globe. Along with the foreign expansion, a business can discover that as its products gain greater momentum in the market, its domestic target market grows as well. Expanding a product's target market is a source of income that is worth exploring. Your product sales will totally depend on how you define your target market.

What Function Does a Target Market Serve?

A product is defined by its target market, and vice versa. Once a target market has been determined, it can have an impact on a product's distribution, pricing, design, and packaging. Products for men won't be packaged in pink plastic. You won't find a high-end cosmetic in a pharmacy. A pricey pair of shoes includes both a shoebox and a branded cloth drawstring bag. The target market receives indications from each of those elements that they have chosen the proper product.

How To Define Your Target Market? 

Here are some tips & tricks to define your target market:

Collect Consumer Information

Finding out more about your customers is the first step in defining your target market. Even if you've only recently opened an online store and don't yet have many customers, these procedures will be useful in the future.

Start by compiling data about prospective and present customers, then look for traits that they share. You can use this information to advertise your product to consumers who share your interests. Look at competing marketplaces and utilize that data to identify your target market if you are still in the early phases of your firm and haven't begun selling your product. While using website analytics tools, social media, and email marketing analytics platforms, there are some key data points you should consider. These include:

  • Age: Do your customers come from the same generation or decade? Are they millennials, senior citizens, or a mix of both?
  • Purchasing Capacity: Take into account potential socioeconomic influences on your clients. How much cash do they have available or are ready to spend?
  • Location: Where do the majority of your clients reside globally? Think about the many nations, regions, and cities.
  • Language: Which languages are spoken by your customers? Keep in mind that the language spoken by your consumers may not necessarily be the national tongue.
  • Hobbies & Profession: What do your consumers enjoy doing for fun and work? What do they do in their free time and what are their occupations?

In the case of B2B, keep these data points in mind: 

  • Business size: Are the companies that you supply small, medium-sized, or large?
  • Budget: How did these companies raise capital? Think about how much they would be able or willing to spend on goods similar to yours.
  • Location Of Business: Where are these companies actually situated?
  • Vertical: Which sectors do the majority of these businesses operate in?

Understand the advantages of your product

The following stage is to learn why your customers choose your product over a competitor's. You can gather this information by directly conversing with your consumers, soliciting testimonials, and conducting extensive competitor research to grasp the differences between your product and theirs.

Learn about the benefits of your product or service, not simply the characteristics. The features are the properties of your product. For example, if you sell luggage, you could characterize your product as small, compact, and with various compartments.

The benefits of your product, on the other hand, are the advantages it provides to your clients. Consider how your product will make someone's life easier or better. The tiny, multi-compartment luggage is convenient to carry and pack as a carry-on.

It's critical to understand how your product meets the specific needs of its target market. For the suitcase company mentioned above, the target market would be customers who would benefit from a lightweight, carry-on suitcase, such as business travelers who travel frequently on short trips.

Know Your Competition 

By examining who your competitors are aiming for, you may narrow down your target market even more. Of course, you won't have access to their customer analytics data, but a SWOT analysis will help you determine who their customers are.

Investigate the blogs, websites, and social media accounts of rival businesses. Based on the information on their website, their content marketing plan, and their social media branding, consider who their target market is. Based on their brand language and tone, you'll probably be able to extrapolate information about their target audience. To find out what kinds of individuals are responding to their postings on social media, you can also look through the comments on their profile sites.

Look very closely at their most popular blog and social media postings. Are there any features or branding elements that these pieces of material have in common? What needs or interests are they addressing? Consider the features or benefits that consumers in your sector are most attracted to using this information. 

Segment Your Audience

By this time, you've learned a little bit about the traits and passions of your target market. Use this knowledge to precisely define your customer types now. This will serve as the foundation for your target market. Market segmentation is the ideal strategy for achieving this. This entails classifying your clients into various groups or segments according to the characteristics they share. Refer to "Key Target Market Groups" above for more information.

You can also develop buyer personas to have a better knowledge of your segments. Buyer personas, also known as user personas, are made-up people with characteristics and conduct that resemble those of ordinary customers. In the end, these made-up individuals stand in for your target market, giving you insights into the wants, needs, and lifestyles of your actual clients.

Create a Target Market Statement

Write down your findings now that you've identified the characteristics that make up your audience. Create a target market statement that emphasizes the key audience traits you've found via your study. Make sure your statement includes: 

  • information on your target market's demographics, such as age and gender.

  • Your target market's location in geographic terms.

  • Key areas of interest for your target audience.

Your brand identification and marketing initiatives will remain consistent if you do this. It will also be helpful as you modify your company's mission statement to make it as pertinent to your audience as feasible. 

Improve Your Research

Even though your target market definition is based on extensive research, it may not be ideal the first time. Even after you've identified your target market, you'll need to keep testing and experimenting to develop a more accurate understanding of your target audience. As consumer interests vary over time due to technological advancements, generational attitudes, and ephemeral trends, staying on top of your market research can also help you stay current.

You must evaluate your company's performance and put your targeting strategies to the test in order to focus on your target market. Look at who is actually making purchases from you and what products or services they are buying. Try to comprehend how you might adjust your branding or marketing initiatives, future product development, or both to better suit your customer base. 

Final Thoughts

The target market you are looking for may vary as per your ambitions, aspirations, size of your business, type of products you want to sell & many other factors. You must evaluate your company's performance and put your targeting strategies to the test in order to focus on your target market. Look at who is actually making purchases from you and what products or services they are buying. Try to comprehend how you might adjust your branding or marketing initiatives, future product development, or both to better suit your customer base. 

By Harkirpal Singh
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